Discussion Forum Leica S System Leica S (Typ 006) Oh my! First job with the 006.
  • #12329

    Leica 006 + S70 +S100 +S120 +S180

    The Leica S 180 is a jewel, but my assistant managed to scratch some paint off first thing (bozo).

    The cover and the inside pages of the fashion spread are all shot with the 006. The results were impressive, the S100 is IMO a better lens than the HC100 that I have used extensively. I had a long day but the results were worth it.

    The camera went about all day on battery, I used 3. Usually I use 5 to 7 batteries in a day with the H4D camera. I only rarely tether, this day was untethered. 4 models and about 7 changes of wardrobe, credits are listed on the masthead page.

    I am enamored, I love this camera!

  • #12330

    pages 55 to 72….

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