Discussion Forum Leica S System Alternative Lenses Does the S-2 Adapter H for Lenses work on the S (Typ 007) ?
  • #27547

    Hi All,

    I’ve had a good look around on the forum in existing articles discussing the above lens adapter. I’ve also googled around, but I couldn’t find a conclusive answer. I apologize if this has a really obvious answer that only > I < am missing……

    I am seriously interested in purchasing a Typ 007 purely for hobby use. In the interest of saving a little bit of money on lenses, I am considering investing in Hasselblad H-System lenses. (the H series lenses are more widely available second hand and at a price point more affordable to myself)

    Do you know whether the S-2 Adapter will work for the 007? Thank you so much!

  • #28536
    Coast to Coast Photo

    I’ve been using the S to H Adaptor for years with excellent results. I have an S007 and 3 Hasselblad HC lenses- 35mm, 50-110mm and 300mm. Hasselblad lenses don’t have as much contrast and aren’t quite as sharp as S lenses, but they have a lot of character. I also have 4 S lenses- 24mm, 45mm, 70mm, and 100mm. I had the 180mm, but sold it. I use H glass often on my S007 and post on Instagram @coasttocoastphotoatl.

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