Discussion Forum Leica S System Images to Share Portland Head Light pano from this morning
  • #3067
    David Farkas

    I’m in Maine right now for the LHSA Annual Meeting. On Thursday, I went out to the Portland Head Light for sunrise and it was blanketed in fog. So, I went out again this morning to give it another shot.

    Here is a four shot pano stich with the S2 and 35mm just moments before the sun broke over the horizon. Each shot was 4sec @ f/11 and I used a Schneider 0.9 Soft Edge Graduated ND filter.

    Tomorrow, I’m heading up to Bar Harbor for the Leica Akademie workshop. Hoping to get some more great shots.

  • #3070

    Great shot David!

  • #3072
    Pete Walentin


  • #3076
    Mark Gowin

    Well done. Please show some more images from your trip.

  • #3101
    Joe Colson

    Excellent image David. Well worth going back for the second attempt. And please post some from your Acadia visit.

  • #3102

    Very nice pano.

  • #3161
    David K

    Nicely done David…good to see you are still using the ND filters. I am too…

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