Discussion Forum Leica S System Alternative Lenses Hasselblad 350 F4 Tele-Tessar
  • #4533

    Hi Folks

    Has anyone any experience with the above lens and the Leica S-Adapter H (assuming it even fits?)

    Any input welcomed … I feel the itch to get something a little longer.


  • #4534
    Al Tanabe

    The 350 f 4 Tele Tessar that I believe you are referring to is for the Hasselblad 200 and 2000 series focal plane cameras. It is in V mount, so a Leica S-V adapter is needed. The 350 was produced into versions, F and FE, the main difference is the FE had electronic contacts for aperture communication to the 200 series of cameras.

    If you are shopping for this lens, be aware that the second group of elements is prone to delaminate so check the edges of the lens as this can be a costly repair. Good to excellent examples can be had in the $2200 – $2700 range and you may even get a better deal.

    I had a mint copy of one but found that shooting a manual focus lens that long had a lot of drawbacks. First off the S sensor is so good that any fault, such as motion or focus, is magnified. Was it up to the S lens standards? No, it was good, but not great. A crop of the 180 image to equal the 350 produced the equivalent image quality. Again, when you start shooting with that long of a lens, all faults are magnified.

    As they say on the car commercials, . . . your results may vary . . .


  • #4537


    Many thanks … I had started to come to the conclusion that longer glass really would need to be Hassy H or maybe Mamiya or Contax.

    Thanks for the heads up


  • #4538
    Al Tanabe

    The 350 Apo from Contax is tempting. The price is a bit steep plus the age and serviceability of the AF motor is in question.


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