Discussion Forum Leica M System M8 and M8.2 Leica's M8, The 1st, And By Far My Favorite…
  • #30999

    Hello forum photogs…

    My road with Leica M’s has been long and winding, but I’ve finally arrived at a personal decision all these years on that’s the M8 is clearly my favorite M (digital) of all time. I did not arrive at this decision lightly, impulsively, or spontaneously. I do not brand worship, or cult worship. And I do not follow the herd.

    Simply put, it’s the only M that has shown time and time again to be the one I want to pick up to use most often and the same one that has, as well as the capability, to make the most variety of unique and beautiful images of all the M cameras I’ve owned. This is because of its sensor type, and its intentional design decisions by its engineers.

    On my blog I’m finishing my 3rd article about the M8 where I tackle the facts and the follies about the M8 on the internet. Long ago, a few choice (cough sarcasm alert) websites set in motion much of the misunderstanding and f.u.d about the M8 which still clings to its back like a group of pesky leeches to this day. Other websites, bloggers, and photographers even continue to parrot this garbage “journalism” as if it is fact that cannot be undone. It’s a pity they  have been so easily and poorly lead to their conclusions. Only time, patience, and an open mind unlock the truth and the full potential of this masterpiece of a camera.

    I will go deep into the topic on how poorly misunderstood this camera is on the net, its unique design advantages that no other digital camera has, its image output, the shooting experience, and its endearing little quirks as well. Of course I shall conclude with my reasons why it is my personal favorite and why everyone should think for themselves about what they want from a tool and not blindly accept my judgement as their own. 

    Know  your needs, pick your tool. Be happy.

    I thought I would share with other M8 owners first about my upcoming and final third article on this camera. Afterall, together we’ve all managed to ignore all of the ignorance and sensationalistic viewpoints on this camera over the years, and have instead been producing pleasure after pleasure with this wonderful little rangefinder.

    Stay focused.

    Carl Garrard

  • #34104

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