• #3202
    Pete Walentin

    I have been to Marrakech last week and it was truly and amazing experience. If you are interested you can read much more about it on my blog.

    L1002385 von pete@petster auf Flickr



  • #4176

    Being old and ancient with historical richness people have preferred Marrakech for years but now i have noticed that going to Marrakech is getting expensive then ever. I was surfing on the internet about the one night stay rates of different hotels and i was quite shocked to see that one night charge was 300 pounds with min of three nights stay.
    riad Marrakech this is the link of the website i am referring to things are good here but rates are quite amazing if you ask me…

  • #4177
    Pete Walentin

    I haven’t checked the site you are referring to, but we stayed in Riad Snan13. The prices are far away from 300 pounds and the location is perfect. Hope that helps.


  • #4178

    Thank you “Pete Walentin”. I guess i was not looking in the right direction. I have checked this link and this place is great. Actually you have solved my problem of selecting the right riad.
    Thanks once again 😮

  • #4186
    Pete Walentin

    Great. 🙂 You will love it.

  • #28379

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