Discussion Forum Leica S System S Lenses Wanted: 1.4x APO Extender and Elpro S
  • #582

    I want/need/desire/beg-for … a 1.4XAPO extender for the 180, and a 1:1 Elpro for the 120.

    Most important of all, where are the CS lenses? I specifically want the CS versions of the 35mm and 120 which I use the most with strobes for outdoor portraits and commercial applications (the SF58 do NOT cut it for this type of work).


  • #583
    David Farkas

    fotografz;281 wrote: I want/need/desire/beg-for … a 1.4XAPO extender for the 180, and a 1:1 Elpro for the 120.

    Most important of all, where are the CS lenses? I specifically want the CS versions of the 35mm and 120 which I use the most with strobes for outdoor portraits and commercial applications (the SF58 do NOT cut it for this type of work).


    I tend to think we will see longer fixed focal length lenses before seeing a 1.4x extender for the S System. The Elpro could be a real possibility though. As you probably know, the 120 S uses a floating element optical design which precludes the use of extension tubes. So, an optical Elpro would be the only solution here.

    Another option is to use a Hasselblad CFi 120 with extension tubes on an S2 with an adapter. This would enable you to get greater than 1:1 magnification, although not with the 120 S.

    CS lenses should be coming very soon. Last I heard a couple months ago, testing on the prototypes was complete and they were gearing up for production.


  • #609

    Thanks for the update David.

    Rather have an Elpro than tubes anyway … like the R100/2.8

    The Zeiss CF120 would be okay, but the S120, is a better lens IMO and direct experience, and I never did like the OOF highlights looking like Chrysler logos : -)

    I did a very complete test in studio, and my HC120/4 macro was better than the CF120/4 used on the same HD camera via a CF adapter, and IMO the Leica 120 macro is over-all better than the HC120 … except the HC lens is 1:1 and you can stop it down further for more DOF and there’s no shutter vibration … very little notable diffraction until about f/32 … and I’ve even used f/45 with strobes because the light is so specular it appears sharper than it really is.

    Leica would do well to grasp who is buying these cameras and for what. Even if I did have the money for a really long S lens I’d never buy one … which is why I am begging for a 1.4 APO for the 180. The lens is fast enough to maintain AF with a 1.4X and would help keep the form factor advantage.

    Thank again!


  • #612
    Mark Gowin

    Marc, I am with you on the 1.4x extender for the 180mm. I want one bad. However, I don’t know the limits of the S2’s autofocus limits so I don’t know if/how well it will autofocus at approx. f5.6.

  • #616
    Stuart Richardson

    Agreed — a 1.4x makes perfect sense, as the lenses are so fast anyway, that losing one stop is not a barrier to a useful lens. Based on my experience with the 2x APO converter for the R system, I know they can make a tele-converter that does not seriously harm the optical performance. The 180mm Elmarit and 2x APO converter still performed spectacularly well, even wide open. Perhaps they fear that if they have a TC they won’t sell as many lenses?

    Still, for me I think a lens adapter and a longer Hasselblad lens will be my choice…I will not use it enough to make it worth buying either a TC or long Leica lens. 120 should be enough for me…

  • #620

    … but the S180 is sooooo SWEET!


  • #1821

    Although this might be deemed heresy and reason for forthwith interdiction, I thought that this might be of some interest here. This morning I placed ( dare I say it??) a Canon 500D Diopter in fromt of the 120 as a quick test. Posted below are crops of the same image shot with the bare 120 and with the 120 / diopter combination at minimum focusing distance with both displayed at 100% in PS5… for what it my be worth.

    Douglas Benson

  • #1841
    Al Tanabe

    Stuart Richardson;334 wrote: . . . The 180mm Elmarit and 2x APO converter still performed spectacularly well, even wide open. Perhaps they fear that if they have a TC they won’t sell as many lenses?

    Still, for me I think a lens adapter and a longer Hasselblad lens will be my choice…I will not use it enough to make it worth buying either a TC or long Leica lens. 120 should be enough for me…

    I agree that the Apo 180 and 2x Apo extender performed very well on the R system. Perfection aside, a 2x will greatly reduce the demand for a 350 prime S lens. This could be the prime motivator in the desire to not produce one. Using a Hasselblad 350 is one alternative but you will have to make due with manual focus and reduced image quality unless you go up to the SA which will bring you into the S price range.

    I don’t use a long lens (180 and up) a lot so putting a big chunk of $$ is not the wisest move. But a 2x or 1.4x makes sense and will best an alternative brand solution any day.


  • #3116

    Perhaps a 350 mm S-Lens it’s on a initial stage.

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