• #3884
    Jack MacD

    I just downloaded the beta of LR5 to see what would be helpful in my work.

    There is a image correction called “upright” which is perspective correction. It is very handy for architectural work.
    Upright straightens your photos automatically, based on the image content. It looks for straight lines like buildings and horizons, leveling tilted photos and fixing keystone distortion on buildings. Sure you can do this slowly in LR or Photoshop, but this is faster.

    If you were following my architectural work in 24mm in use, you heard me complain that getting the camera perfectly level and aligned even with a bubble level was a challenge. Using the 24mm will showcase any leveling problem. Correcting for this in LR5 got easier.

    Finding the control is not obvious. You have to click “basic” to get the “upright” button to even appear.

    Attached files

  • #3885
    Jack MacD

    We all do dust spotting.

    LR5 has the ability to aid me in identifying dust spots from dust on the sensor. If you click on the clone/heal tool, you can then merely press “A” and the scene switched to a high contrast B&W view that allows for more easily seeing where I need cloning out or healing the dust spots. Press “A” again and the image returns to normal.

    Also the tool now allows me to drag the tool to match a spot that is more of a lash than a spot. Always could do that in Photoshop, now I can do it in LR5.

    All this is faster than sending the S2 back to Germany for them to clean my sensor, as I fear to touch the sensor myself. I do use a blower to blow dust off the sensor, but never expect that to be perfect.

    Attached files

  • #3890
    David Farkas

    Thanks for the info on LR5b. Looks like this will be a nice upgrade.

    Personally, I’m not one to transition to a Beta version. I’ll wait for the RC to start playing.

  • #3891
    Jack MacD

    I agree with you David about betas normally. LR5 beta is a free stand-alone download which remains parallel to LR4. It allows you to try out the features for 6 weeks free to decide if you feel the upgrade is useful and worthwhile.

    The upgrade from LR3 to LR4 was definitely a requirement for S2 users. The LR5 is not essential. I will be surprised if they price it more than $99 for an upgrade from LR4. Or they may make it a subscription like Photoshop?

    There is one other aspect that can be useful to me with a macbook Air. That is smart proxy files
    “Smart Previews are proxy images that can be used in place of the original file, when the originals are offline. That includes using them for Develop module, Publish Services, Export and Email.
    That means you can leave your originals on the hard drive at home, and take Smart Previews out on your laptop or small portable hard drive, and still be able to work with them.
    Edit your photos in Develop module using the Smart Previews, even if the originals are offline, and Lightroom will compensate for the size difference. Once the originals are available, they automatically take precedence again.”


    My Air has a 256 Gig drive. My external hard drive is 8T.

  • #3898
    Pete Walentin

    Jack MacD;4568 wrote: The upgrade from LR3 to LR4 was definitely a requirement for S2 users. The LR5 is not essential. I will be surprised if they price it more than $99 for an upgrade from LR4. Or they may make it a subscription like Photoshop?

    Or you buy a new Leica. 🙂

    The dust removal tool enhancement is pretty cool.

  • #3899
    Jack MacD

    I’ve been testing the “upright” button and found it pretty amazing.

    The first shot is purposely shot on an angle. None of these are cropped.

    The second shot is merely using the “upright” button I discussed earlier. It does the job.

    OK, I adjusted the sky a bit too.

    Yes, you can adjust using “vertical” in LR4 but that doesn’t do the job as well by any means when the camera was tilted and angled to begin with. That is shown in the third photo. I suspect that next we will have this software loaded into an iPhone app.

    The cost of a good camera level is about $24. So this button on LR5 is worth $24.

    Pete, I know the new S has a level built in, and a clean sensor, but it costs more than $24.

    Attached files

  • #3900
    Pete Walentin

    Pretty cool result. Have to play with this one in the next couple of days as well. Thanks Jack.

  • #3901
    David Farkas

    Nice result, Jack. Gotta love those “automagic” type buttons!

  • #3957

    I did some work in the LR5 beta. The release version converted my LR4 catalog into a LR5 catalog. I’d like to merge the 5beta catalog into this main LR5 catalog, but I don’t see how to do that. Thanks for any helpful suggestions. :confused:

  • #3958
    Jack MacD

    I just purchased the final release and may have the same issue. So if it is an issue, I hope someone answers.

  • #3963
    David Farkas

    Doug;4649 wrote: I did some work in the LR5 beta. The release version converted my LR4 catalog into a LR5 catalog. I’d like to merge the 5beta catalog into this main LR5 catalog, but I don’t see how to do that. Thanks for any helpful suggestions. :confused:

    Under File menu, try Import from Another Catalog…

    This should work. If not, you’ll have to export the containing folder as a catalog and import that way.

  • #3964
    Jack MacD

    Thanks David.

  • #3968

    David Farkas;4655 wrote: Under File menu, try Import from Another Catalog…

    This should work. If not, you’ll have to export the containing folder as a catalog and import that way.

    Thanks, David… One of those that is obvious in retrospect! I had missed seeing that. And maybe I navigated the import settings dialog incorrectly. The group of photo folders that I worked on in the beta had already been imported into the LR4 catalog that was converted, but hadn’t been processed. So after the LR5b catalog was imported, the settings used were absent.

    I think I’ll have to delete those folders from the current catalog before importing them from the beta catalog (hopefully the Settings will then appear)…

  • #4157
    Jason Holiday

    this is awesome, thanks for the info…

  • #4434

    i love the software you used for it! how mch did it cost?!

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