• #20239

    I had tested, last Friday, SF 64 flash with Leica SL during marriage ceremony which was taken in church and I’m very disapointed.

    The photographs were overexposed, I had tried to correct -EV at the flash but results were not satisfactory.

    In the camera I had adjusted ISO to “automatic” – maybe it was my mistake?

    Thanks God there was enough light to switch off SF 64 and make photos with natural light.

    Any experience with SF 64 flash and Leica SL?

    See attached photo.

  • #20241

    I want to add one more thing. I had found that SF 64 bottom connector was somehow loose on Leica SL mount.
    Maybe it craeted problem?

  • #22212

    Looks like an all-too-familiar result of Leica flash set to TTL or automatic modes, which inexplicably reads the exposure incorrectly. I’ve got three Leica flashes and they are all unpredictable—on various cameras—when expected to properly gauge the scene.

    To your last point, if the flash is firing, the connection is not the problem. I suggest using manual mode, which is better in every way in terms of allowing you to dial in precisely the amount of light you want. While manual mode is intimidating to many, it’s actually simpler, producing predictable results and eliminating frustration.

    Hope that helps.

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