• Jheroun replied to the topic S2 Sensor Replaced in the forum S2 3 years, 10 months ago

    The sensor was beginning to de-laminate, the same problem that dogged the M9. While I haven't heard that the problem was systemic, mine was clearly not an aberration as Leica owned up to it, no questions asked. And it's been terrific ever since.

    I do use wireless flash triggers. Mine are Visatec and Vello. I can also use a speedlight. Pocket…[Read more]

  • Looks like an all-too-familiar result of Leica flash set to TTL or automatic modes, which inexplicably reads the exposure incorrectly. I've got three Leica flashes and they are all unpredictable—on various cameras—when expected to properly gauge the scene.

    To your last point, if the flash is firing, the connection is not the problem. I sug…[Read more]

  • Jheroun started the topic S2 Sensor Replaced in the forum S2 7 years, 2 months ago

    In an overdue follow-up, I'd like to mention that Leica replaced the faulty sensor, as well as adjusted, fine-tuned, and cleaned the camera. It's now better than new. Plus, they replaced the top-panel LED, which was notorious for failing early on. I just did without for years.

    Big props to everyone at Leica Store Los Angeles and the Leica crew…[Read more]

  • Jheroun replied to the topic Sensor de-lamination in the forum S2 9 years, 3 months ago

    Here are two examples of particles I thought were dust but are actually flakes from de-lamination. In one sense it's a relief since I couldn't understand why so much dust remained after frequent cleanings with a Firefly de-ionizer. Plus, I'm very careful when changing lenses.

    Hope this helps, Peter.

  • Jheroun replied to the topic Sensor de-lamination in the forum S2 9 years, 3 months ago

    Not yet, I just discovered the problem. But I intend to and I'm optimistic that they'll do the right thing, I've generally had great experience with Leica service.

  • Jheroun started the topic Sensor de-lamination in the forum S2 9 years, 3 months ago

    Sent my S2 in for a sensor cleaning and just received a call to inform me that the source of the spots was not dust or oil droplets (common with certain Nikons, et al) but flakes from the sensor coating. They pointed out that the de-lamination would not show up on the images, but still it is a major concern that must be dealt with. And utterly…[Read more]

  • Jheroun replied to the topic S2 Blues in the forum S2 12 years ago

    Josh Lehrer;3369 wrote: I've been pleasantly surprised with the S2's reliability over the past few years, however that doesn't mean that problems never happen. Leica's S service in Germany is absolutely fantastic, courteous, and their turnaround times are very quick. If you send the camera directly to them (without going through Leica USA in NJ)…

    [Read more]

  • Jheroun replied to the topic S2 Blues in the forum S2 12 years ago

    Jheroun;3364 wrote: I use a Visatec trigger with Visatec and Broncolor heads. Works like a charm with my two M cameras and Canon 5D MkII.

    The top panel OLED has also long since ceased to read, so it's a perfect storm of problems. Here comes its European vacation.

  • Jheroun replied to the topic S2 Blues in the forum S2 12 years ago

    Pete Walentin;3362 wrote: What kind of Flash Trigger you are using?

    I am using Profoto Air and had never any issue.

    I use a Visatec trigger with Visatec and Broncolor heads. Works like a charm with my two M cameras and Canon 5D MkII.

  • Jheroun replied to the topic S2 Blues in the forum S2 12 years ago

    Pete Walentin;3361 wrote: Hi Jheroun,

    I am very sorry to hear that. The only problem I had when shooting tethered was an image which was broken, unreadable. But only one out of two hundred and I had not invested time to find out what the reasons might be.

    Everything else you have experienced is new to me. Maybe an exorcism in Solms will…

    [Read more]

  • I tried re-seating the screen and it seems to work properly now. It never occurred to me that it could come loose, but that appears to have worked.

    Thanks for the tip David.

  • David, didn't you post the earlier thread on file corruption? Evidently you have experienced the same thing exactly. You were obviously shooting flash too, so it appears to be a systemic problem, not just with my unit. And given that the black frames are actually underexposed captures, it would seem the problem lies with the shutter/flash sync.

  • This is the same problem I referred to in a new thread called Shooting Blanks. Apparently it is symptomatic of the camera, not just mine. I used flash when it occurred and I was certain the flash fired on those blank shots. On a whim, I hit Auto Tone on those blanks in Lightroom and to my surprise there was indeed an image recorded, albeit way…[Read more]

  • It's on the way. Already have the strap in place and it's great. Many thanks!


  • Marc,

    That's a very smart set-up. I've tried to locate the grip you have on the SF58, but no luck. Where did you get it?

