WPalank replied to the topic Another S Bag Thread :rolleyes: in the forum Leica S 10 years, 4 months ago
Your Right!! There is no way to Safely Travel with the Kit. Even though I did (AND SAFELY) with the 30-90 Vario Hood over about 1000 Kilometers. I have no idea what ˆ was Thinking?????
WPalank replied to the topic Another S Bag Thread :rolleyes: in the forum Leica S 10 years, 4 months ago
Sorry John, too much work as it is unpacked and safely in my Leica hard Case. It's the ONLY solution in my mind. You will have to take me at my word. 😉
All I can say is it is Bigger than I thought (look at Images on Site) then get out Tape measurer. I don't know ghat you would be looking for anyway to Sway a Decision. It has dividers that you can…[Read more]WPalank replied to the topic Another S Bag Thread :rolleyes: in the forum Leica S 10 years, 4 months ago
Very thick, no folding. All my Lenses. (CS) 120, 180 (with adapter), 45, 70, 30-90 Vario, S with RRS L_Plate Attached, Leica Monochrome, %o Noctilux….basically everything.
WPalank replied to the topic Leica 120 mm CS: AF not working in the forum S Lenses 10 years, 4 months ago
sorry to hear about any Issues Folks. I have the Newest Firmware and have to say my 120 Focuses even in Low Light like a Dream. I can confirm without even snapping because I have the Split View Screen Installed. Simply amazing. now there are two ways to Install ?Firmware for Lenses:
1) Through Latest lens Firmware update, then Install on…[Read more]WPalank replied to the topic LEICA ELMARIT-S 45 mm f/2.8 ASPH in the forum Workflow and Processing 10 years, 4 months ago
In Lightroom and Photoshop CC (Latest Versions).
Go to “Help” >Check for Updates…. in either Application.Oddly enough, one App is typically ahead of the other by a day or two. Just keep checking each morning, afternoon….
wpalank likes a reply on Leica S (006) Firmware Update Ver 10 years, 4 months ago
WPalank replied to the topic Leica S (006) Firmware Update Ver in the forum Leica S 10 years, 4 months ago
Yup….In case it isn't clear from the Discussion above. Download Frimware Then place on a Lens. if you turn on the Camera you will get the message about Lens Update. Turn off Camera. now hold in AE Button and Turn on Camera. LCD Screen will inform you there is an Update in progress. Turn Off Camera.
Mount the Next Lens. this time just…[Read more]WPalank replied to the topic New S (007) in the forum Leica S 10 years, 4 months ago
For those wanting Larger prints, one Word….ImagePrint!
https://www.colorbytesoftware.comThe Resizing Algorithms cannot be beat. I have used it for years on an Epson 7900 and now 4900 as well. I use 220 as my bottom dpi, then uprez in one step to desired size. Typically around a 40-50% increase. it never disappoints. On the Monochrom, I can see…[Read more]
Edwin Cedeno and
WPalank are now friends 10 years, 4 months ago
WPalank replied to the topic Leica S (006) Firmware Update Ver in the forum Leica S 10 years, 5 months ago
So far, so good. Downloaded an using it now. Confused why Leica S Rep, Ben Ross would tell me it is unnecessary to Update Lens Firmware in 006, as he told me square to my face it is done by updating the Firmware only. Absolutely not true!
After Updaing Firmware, messages will demand that you Update Lens Firmware as well, which is available.WPalank replied to the topic Another S Bag Thread :rolleyes: in the forum Leica S 10 years, 5 months ago
Great David,
Having stepped on off a few Airline Carriers, Loaded them in Overhead Compartments, I couldn't be more Happy. Durable and with a waxed material that will only patina and look better with age. Fit perfectly in the back of my Land Rover as I roar through the Irish Countryside. 😉
Williamwpalank likes a reply on Another S Bag Thread :rolleyes: 10 years, 5 months ago
WPalank replied to the topic Unable to read threads in the forum Annoucements and Site Matters 10 years, 5 months ago
peterv;8595 wrote: Today, somehow everything works fine again, thanks!
You can thank me. It happened for well over 4 days and I finally called the Owners in Miami. They were unaware. I thought I had been kicked out of another Forum. 😡
WPalank replied to the topic S120 AF .. in the forum S Lenses 10 years, 5 months ago
Please correct me if wrong, but known as a “Focus Limiter”.
Typically seen in hardware, I for one vote for a Firmware Approach.Knowing that there is a Limiter in the Firmware, it would only take me once to be confused as to why the Focusing has gone bonkers, as David alludes.
However, I did get the chance to test the Beta Version of…[Read more]
WPalank replied to the topic Leica 120 mm CS: AF not working in the forum S Lenses 10 years, 5 months ago
peterv;8609 wrote: Hi David, thanks for asking. After it had been to Wetzlar for about 4 weeks I got my lens back, only to find that the AF was working all right, but now all my images with the 120 mm were underexposed by 1 to 1,5 stops. I made a comparison test with my 70 mm and with that lens the exposure was fine. Somehow the camera chose a…
WPalank replied to the topic Next S sensor.. CCD or CMOS?? in the forum Leica S 10 years, 5 months ago
fotografz;8519 wrote: Apparently those pining for a S f/2 portrait lens won't have to wait long.
Lightroom 5.5 now has a lens profile for a Leica SUMMICRON-S 1:2.0/100mm. A portend of what is to come at Photokina?
Can't imagine what that is going to cost, especially in CS version that I'd demand. At F/2 it will be the fastest S lens, and…
WPalank replied to the topic Leica S (006) Firmware Update Ver in the forum Leica S 10 years, 6 months ago
Ben Ross, Leica S Rep USA, was at a Leica Event today with 6 S Cameras. I asked him about the Update, he said he had no idea but stated one of his cameras had a Beta Version loaded and handed it to me with 120 CS lens attached. Night and Day Folks, Night and Day. I was in a darkish room and started testing AF on objects around the room, it just…[Read more]
WPalank replied to the topic Question about Auto Focus in the forum Leica S 10 years, 6 months ago
See my post at top of Forum. new Firmware that was supposed to have been released yesterday Aug 14 was supposed to address AF issues many of us were having. I received my Print Issue of LFI yesterday, but one can simply download the Issue through the LFI App. I think it is Page 58 that describes the update in roughly one page. cheers!
WPalank replied to the topic 45 vs 35 CS Lenses. in the forum S Lenses 11 years, 2 months ago
UPDATE: Got a chance to meet with the Leica S Specialist Ben Ross (great guy!) today who was giving a Demo at Samy's with my good friend and local Leica Rep Tom Brichta.
I showed up early and got to pick his brain for about 30 min.
Luckily, he had both the 35 and 45 CS with him which I was able to mount on my S and take for a test drive.
My…[Read more]WPalank replied to the topic 45 vs 35 CS Lenses. in the forum S Lenses 11 years, 2 months ago
Thank you mark and RVB. Excellent. Wonderful image.
No worries about Raw images, I was going more for your gut or visceral reaction. You gave it to me. 😀- Load More