Discussion Forum Leica APS-C Cameras and Lenses (TL and CL) Images to Share A few images that didn't make it into my Leica T (Typ 701) review
  • #4669
    David Farkas

    A handful of images from my Leica T test. Always tough to narrow down from over a hundred initial selects to the 40 or so final images used in the review. I rendered these out at a little higher resolution (6MP each – 2000×3000) so you guys can get a feel for the files.

    Leica T (Typ 701) with 18-56mm @18mm, 1/200th @ f/8, ISO 200

    Leica T (Typ 701) with 23mm, 1/500th @ f/11, ISO 200

    Leica T (Typ 701) with 18-56mm @36.4mm, 1/200th @ f/6.3 ISO 200

    Leica T (Typ 701) with 18-56mm @55.9mm, 1/640th @ f/5.6, ISO 200

    Leica T (Typ 701) with 18-56mm @56mm, 1/640th @ f/8, ISO 100

    Leica T (Typ 701) with 18-56mm @18mm, 1/80th @ f/16, ISO 100

    Leica T (Typ 701) with 18-56mm @52.2mm, 1/500th @ f/7.1, ISO 200

    Leica T (Typ 701) with 50mm Summilux-M, 1/320th @ f/1.4, ISO 200

    Leica T (Typ 701) with 18-56mm @55.9mm, 1/160th @ f/8, ISO 200

    Leica T (Typ 701) with 18-56mm @44.9mm, 1/1000th @ f/7.1, ISO 100

  • #4670
    Pete Walentin

    Nice! Can’t wait to get this thing. :p

  • #4675
    Mark Gowin

    Hi David, I notice that the majority of the images you posted are from the zoom and only one from the 23mm. The zoom looks to be really good. So much so, the main reason for getting the 23mm would be for speed and smaller size. Of course, I bet the IQ of the 23mm is better than the zoom, but maybe not by a whole lot. What are your thoughts.

  • #4679
    David Farkas

    Mark Gowin;6340 wrote: Hi David, I notice that the majority of the images you posted are from the zoom and only one from the 23mm. The zoom looks to be really good. So much so, the main reason for getting the 23mm would be for speed and smaller size. Of course, I bet the IQ of the 23mm is better than the zoom, but maybe not by a whole lot. What are your thoughts.


    They were both great. You’ll see a higher percentage of shots from the 23mm in my review. These images were ones that just didn’t fit. At a certain point, I have to cap the amount of images in a review.

    The 18-56mm is just very flexible and easy for almost every scenario, while the 23mm is more fun. It focuses faster, is smaller, lighter, and yes, a little better optically. I liked having them both.

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