Discussion Forum Leica S System S2 Leica Customer Service
  • #2635

    I want to point out in this thread the quality of the Customer Service in Solms.

    My S2 works OK, but the leatherette on card door and the handle below the shutter button got loose after a trip in Northern Greece last April. The weather was only moderately warm though.

    So I sent a mail to the Customer Service in Solms, and got contact with Mrs Gabriele ARNOLD, a charming lady who speaks and write French perfectly. She immediately sent me UPS who came to gather the camera at the door of my house on the following day. The camera spent one week in Solms, and I got it back today in perfect condition. They had to change the flash socket that was misaligned, and they cleaned the sensor and the focusing screen. I paid 100 € for the whole work, and nothing for the leatherette and nothing for the trip.

    I think this is a good job and a very good customer care.


  • #2639

    Do you have the S2 or the S2P? I have the same issue with the leathrette on the card door.

  • #2662

    I have a regular S2. I just added a screen protector on both screens: the monitor and the OLED.


  • #2722

    I also can confirm very good service from Solms.

  • #36554

    It’s probably gonna take a professional. Sometimes it is impossible to solve the issue on your own. I would like to thank criteria corp customer service for their excellent service. When I have questions about using their products, I always get prompt and professional answers from their support team. They are always willing to help understand any problem and offer the best solutions. Their help makes me feel confident and comfortable in using their products.

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