• #1242
    Jack MacD

    25 year old mint Leica Vest
    Never used, this needs to be used by someone who will appreciate it.
    I will sell to best offer, and the best story of how you would use this vest.


    Attached files

  • #1253

    At 25 years, it would be a toss up whether to frame it as a item of art, and
    display it above my half century old Leica I inherited from my parents,
    or to actually use it in the field. (I have some business suits that are
    that old, still in great condition, that I enjoy wearing, so mere age is certainly
    not a reason to keep this “in the closet”.)

    I am interested in YOUR story as to why this is unused after 25 years.
    What is the material? What is the design (pockets, etc) ? What size is it?


  • #1255
    Jack MacD

    The material is soft to the touch microfiber of some sort.
    Net it feels good and is quiet.

    I got my first M6 in the early 80’s and preferred to use vests for photography back then.
    I bought this vest then as the perfect combination of usable pockets and style. I ended up not using it as I preferred to downplay the brand of whatever gear I was using. I guess I could have put tape over the Leica name!

    The back of the vest has a full length red plastic zipper that would hold a small tripod or a wind breaker.
    The label says designed for Leica rather than designed by Leica.

    If I don’t sell it, if I ever go to a Leica Historical meeting I will wear it then.

    Attached files

  • #1256
    David Farkas

    Jack MacD;1044 wrote:

    If I don’t sell it, if I ever go to a Leica Historical meeting I will wear it then.

    Too late, Jack. We officially changed the name to LHSA: The International Leica Society at the Pittsburgh meeting last week. No more “historical” in the name.

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