Discussion Forum Leica M System M Monochrom Filters and the Monochrom
  • #2878

    How will filters be used on the Monochrom. Is it time to clean up the old b&w filters or will filtration be applied in PP?

  • #2879

    I already got my filters in order, 34mm, 39mm, 40.5mm, 43mm, 46mm, 49mm, and 52mm.

    Slide1 by anachronist1, on Flickr

    filters in monochrome by anachronist1, on Flickr

  • #2906
    Kirsten VignesAvatar photo

    I don’t think color filters can be accurately replicated in post-production. The Monochrom sensor only captures luminance values. The DNG files produced will not hold any color channel information, making it very difficult (dare I say impossible) to apply color filters in post-production.

    The Monochrom does come with Silver Efex Pro 2 with built-in presets for the Monochrom. Perhaps they’ll have some presets to roughly replicate color filters? I haven’t played around in Silver Efex Pro 2 yet, but I’d be curious to see what it offers.

    All in all, I think your best bet is just to use traditional B&W filters. That’s the only way to truly isolate and control the color channels.

  • #2907

    Without color information from the sensor, emulating the effects of color filters in post processing cannot be done with sliders. You could selectively “Grab” areas of the image and selectively lighten/darken them, like dodging and burning.

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