Discussion Forum Leica M System Leica M (Typ 240) M-P 240 Safari set – has anyone purchased this M camera yet?
  • #11565

    I am wondering if we have any members on board who have purchased the M-P 240 Safari set yet, and if so what your initial impressions of it are. It certainly looks like a thing of beauty and the word around the various forums is that online photos of this camera do not so it justice.

    If you are fortunate enough to be a Safari set owner, how about sharing your thoughts on this M kit with us?


  • #11875

    I’m ordering mine today. Have always wanted a Leica (this is my first) – I’m a long time Nikon shooter and for the last two years, been shooting Fuji. But taking the plunge today. New to this forum too.

    Will give ya updates once it arrives.

  • #12368

    Was wondering the same thing. Now that the Q is here with a better and faster processor and chip can the next generation of the M be far behind with AF and such? It’s a great deal Leica is offering but the technology is dated!

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