Discussion Forum Buy and Sell Marketplace Gear For Sale M6 + Leicavit-M + Summicron 50DR + Goggles For Sale or Trade
  • #1680
    Joel Aron


    I am looking to sell my Black M6 (1985 with Leitz Red dot), along with a Black Paint Leicavit-M and Silver Summicron 50DR with it’s goggles.

    The M6 has been recently CLA’d by Sherry (Golden Touch), and was upgraded to the MP viewfinder. The camera is very clean with normal cosmetic wear around lugs. This has been my trusty camera for many years.

    The Leicavit-M was also recently CLA’d by Sherry, and has normal ware as any bottom plate would have.

    The Summicron 50DR (breaks my heart to have to sell it!), is very clean, with a few minor marks on the front element (but what 50DR does not). They have no effect on the images. Every image to date is razor sharp (incredibly well at f5.6). The lens was recently given a ‘full bath’ as Sherry calls it. A full CLA. The focus is very smooth, and the blades are in perfect shape.

    The goggles are in perfect condition with it’s case. Recently purchased from Photographica in Copenhagen, Denmark.

    The reason that I am looking to sell all of this, is that I recently became an owner of an M9-P (thank you to my wife for saying yes to the 45th birthday present to myself, and to Dale Photo for having it in stock two weeks ago!). As you may know, the 50DR does not work on the M9. So, I would love to sell the above gear to afford a replacement for the 50DR.

    If anyone has a v4, or even a v3 Summicron 50 that wants to trade for an entire M6 setup.. I have that setup for you. Otherwise, I’m asking $2000 for the entire kit listed above.

    Please let me know if you’re interested, and I’ll supply you with detailed images of each item, and video of the shutter at all speeds. As a bonus, if you are a Star Wars fan, I am your hookup to anything Star Wars, and if you help me out in any way to move towards a purchase of a new lens with the sale of my gear.. If you are ever in the San Francisco Bay Area, Lunch at Skywalker Ranch is on me, and a tour of how we make the Clone Wars tv show. (i’m stopping at nothing to get a new 50’cron, and pulling the Lucasfilm card)

    thanks for reading, and hope you are interested!
    -Joel Aron

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