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Leica Camera is finally releasing a new firmware update for the X1. Version 2.0 will be available from tomorrow, March 29. The update will be available as a download from Leica’s homepage at:

The new X1 firmware offers the following benefits:

  • A better monitor image enables better manual focus setting as the aperture is wide open.
  • Manual Focus improvement by implementing finer steps when turning the click wheel slowly.
  • 2 Manual Focus speeds for more accurate and fast MF operation.
  • Manual Focus-setting lock implemented.
  • Manual Focus-scale display enlarged.
  • Depth of field scale displayed in Manual Focus.
  • Manual Focus setting memorized after turning the camera off.
  • Improved autofocus speed in low light condition and low contrast subjects especially when taking
    photos of the same subject several times.
  • ISO-setting will be displayed in Auto-ISO.
  • Improved picture quality in JPEG.

Of course, like many, I would have wished for this update months ago, but what's done is done. I'm looking forward to downloading the firmware and trying it out tomorrow on my X1. Let's see just how significant the changes are.


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