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Ordinarily, Leica rolls out firmware updates one camera, or at least one camera system, at a time. But for this round, multiple product teams coordinated their efforts, resulting in five cameras getting firmware updates simultaneously in one day. While slightly overwhelming for us to provide in-depth reports on each one, this methodology is great for users.

Cameras like the Q received more significant updates than others, but there seems to be two overriding goals at play. The first, creating greater user interface uniformity between all the various camera systems, makes switching between systems much easier. And the second, adding features and options found on newer models to older cameras, shows Leica's commitment to supporting its users. Rarely do companies offer the kind of continuing firmware updates on previous generation cameras that Leica does.

Firmware Updates In-Depth

Check out our individual firmware articles for a comprehensive breakdown of changes, links to the latest firmware files, and easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions on performing:

Firmware Ver for Leica M10 Released

Firmware ver 3.0 for Leica Q Released

Firmware ver 2.0 for Leica CL Released

Firmware Ver 1.4 for Leica TL2 Released



About The Author

Leica Specialist

David Farkas is a self-admitted Leica junkie and an avid photographer since he was seven years old. He also owns and operates leading Leica dealer Leica Store Miami in beautiful Coral Gables, Florida with his wife Juliana. David has years of experience shooting with just about every Leica camera and lens made within the last few decades.

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