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User Reports

Leica S2 in Hawaii

I have been lusting after a Leica S2 since they were introduced. Two months ago I got it, just in time to learn how to handle it for a two week trip to two islands in Hawaii, the Big Island and Kauai. I'll be posting the images in chapters on my blog: www.ev...

handle S2 in low light situations

It seems Leica users are inordinately against flash, and fear that "flashy" look. However, it really isn't that hard to employ the S2 for low light photography without an obvious flash effect, once you get the hang of it.The technique calls for use of a lo...

Eternal Camaraderie

Looking out over Manila from my apartment window, I catch a glimpse of the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial. I decide that it needs further investigation and walk over in the noon-time heat. Shorts and sandals a pale substitute for imagined empathies of h...

A few wedding shots …

It's great seeing images from photographers like Marc who offer a deliberate style that is flawless. I, on the other hand, tend to like to shoot with a more casual/on-the-fly approach. What's impressive is how well the S2 can be utilized in a number of diffe...

The S2 and I … Recent Work

Hi all ... haven't posted much recently because the S2 and I have been pretty busy ... and we still are.So, just a few images to post that may be of interest to fellow S2 shooters. More to come when time allows.This wedding image was a real bear to pull ...

Granite Pillars

Shot this on a trip from Denver to Telluride. Didn't think much of it in color so did a bit of HDR application then converted to black and white. I would invite your C&CWoody ...

Whipping the S2 … vacation's over … back to work!

Thanks to Leica, I had a loaner S35 overnighted to me so I could shoot my wedding last Saturday while my 35mm takes a "spa vacation" in Germany for a stuck aperture (a known issue apparently). Otherwise ... back to work for the rest of the kit!Good thing t...

South Florida Photo Opportunities

I read Nick Rains’ article “The Leica S2 as a Travel Camera” on The Luminous Landscape the other day and and came away with a great big smile. I was smiling because I discovered just how good the S2 is as a travel camera few months ago and I am glad see othe...

S2 takes a short vacation:

Had a weekend free of wedding work, so we all took off on a 4 day road trip to N. Michigan for a bit of fun in the Traverse City area ... including some tastings in the wine region, and a few fishing villages along the "Big sea shining water" for wonderful s...